Jason Marshall



Jason Marshall arrived in New York city in 2003, and has worked his way into a fine crowd since then. He has mainly played bari, but plays gigs on tenor as well. Jason Marshall’s approach to music is as varied as the man himself. He throws himself into all types of music with a philosophy and focuses on all types of African American Music. He has studied the bari sax with contemporary masters such as Ronnie Cuber, Gary Smulyan, and  Hamiett Bluiett. Through studying with these three, he has developed an incredible tone and musical sensibility on the bari sax. In addition to these bari teachers, Jason Marshall has received additional guidance from Steve Wilson, Vincent Herring, and Greg Tardy. Jason Marshall has become one of the premier players in the New York scene in his time here, notably collaborating with such people as Thad Wilson, Roy Hargrove, RH Factor, and the Roy Hargrove Big Band.

