Jazz Empowers Virtual Jam Session
All of as at Jazz Empowers are missing making music together in-person, so we are launching our a virtual jam session!
We will release a new tune every month for you to learn and record. Then we will put all of the videos together so you can play with other Jazz Empowers students and teachers from around the country.
Tune #1 - Soonymoon for Two
For our first tune we are going to play the great Sonny Rollins blues, Sonnymoon for Two. To practice and record your video use the backing track below. Make sure to listen to backing track with headphones. If we can hear the backing track on your video it will be hard to match with the other musicians in the virtual jam session. To be included in the virtual jam session you will need to send in your video by December 23rd.
To make and record your video:
1.) Play the melody two times. (Lead sheets below)
2.) Play an improvised solo (recommended 1-2 choruses).
3.) You can end your video whenever you are done with your solo. You do not need to play until the end of the track.
4.) Make sure to listen to backing track with headphones. If we can hear the backing track on your video it will be hard to match with the other musicians in the virtual jam session.
5.) When you are done, send it to Jazz Empowers. Look below for a complete list of ways to send your video.
How to Send your video
Here are different ways you can send in your video to Jazz Empowers. Choose whatever way is easiest for you! When you send it make sure to include your name and school name.
1.) Youtube - Upload to Youtube and email link to video to admin@jazzempowers.org
2.) WeTransfer - Upload and send to admin@jazzempowers.org
3.) Dropbox - Upload and send link to admin@jazzempowers.org
4.) Google Drive - Upload and send link to admin@jazzempowers.org
5.) iCloud - Upload and send link to admin@jazzempowers.org
If you have any questions or issues email Jazz Empowers staff at admin@jazzempowers.org.